Welcome to the website for British conductor James Lowe.

James Lowe assumed the position of Music Director of the Spokane Symphony, USA from the 2019/20 season. His work as a conductor has ranged over five continents including collaboration with orchestras in the UK and Europe, Japan, Australia and the USA. Passionately committed to the belief that classical music is for everyone, he balances his conducting schedule with his work to engage new audiences and a long-standing commitment to youth music.


Blog feed

My long way back to Spokane

This article first appeared in the Spokesman Review on March 4th, 2021  Conductor’s lives are punctuated by travel. Comings and going’s are part of our natural rhythm. Almost a year ago I left Spokane expecting to be back the following month for the last three concerts of our 19/20 season, a tantalizing menu of Tchaikovsky, Bruckner and Mahler. Well, tantalizing for a megalomanic conductor at any rate.  I landed in London, spent a weekend with my fiancée Charlotte and friends, and then continued on for more work in Finland. It was at the end of that week the ban on US entry for people who had been in the European Schengen zone took effect. I flew back to Read more >